Series Category: Wealth Capacity
A crucial factor in our financial and business success, wealth capacity governs our lifetime income potential. With enhanced wealth capacity, individuals can grow and scale their business and career pursuits or generate steady income streams to generate exponential growth in their financial portfolios.
Featured Articles
Decoding the Science of Getting Rich – Part 1: Wealth Capacity
Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Bazi (八字), or the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a foundational concept in Imperial Feng Shui. Its well-developed principles are built on a deep understanding of the movement of planetary stars, the duality of Yin and Yang (阴阳) and the Five Elements (五行). Every Bazi chart is unique, focusing on […]
Decoding the science of getting rich – Part 5: Wealth Capacity Implications
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins As previously mentioned in this series, the significance of the Authority Star in Imperial Feng Shui is evident in its close relationship to an individual’s wealth capacity. The implications of wealth capacity is an interesting subject in the scope of Imperial Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics. In this article, Master […]
Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Cundi Guan Yin
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins The Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Cundi Guan Yin represents the most revered and powerful manifestation among the 33 forms of Guan Yin. For 140 years, since 1884, the Cundi Guan Yin has been the central deity in Singapore’s iconic Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple (觀音堂佛祖廟). This temple is a landmark, […]
Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Dragon King
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins The Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Dragon King honours the esteemed Dragon King, a revered deity in Chinese mythology known for controlling weather and water. Regarded as the embodiment of Yang energy and held in high esteem by the Jade Emperor, the Dragon King was worshipped as the symbolic ancestor of Chinese […]
Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Tua Di Ya Pek
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins The Tua Di Ya Pek is revered as a powerful wealth god capable of bestowing blessings of indirect luck. Tua Di Ya Pek empowers devotees to identify lucrative opportunities and winning investments, generating explosive returns and windfalls to further their assets. Governing indirect wealth luck, Tua Di Ya Pek influences […]
Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Zhong Kui
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins The Imperial Harvest Sandalwood Zhong Kui honours and celebrates Zhong Kui, a distinguished scholar from the Tang Dynasty who has been deified as the Windfall God of Wealth in Chinese culture and mythology. As the Windfall God of Wealth, Zhong Kui plays a pivotal role in helping his devotees achieve […]
How To Expand Your Wealth Capacity With Agarwood
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins In the world of Imperial Feng Shui, few treasures hold as much significance and potency as agarwood. At Imperial Harvest, we proudly continue this time-honoured tradition, offering exceptional agarwood treasures that stand as a testament to authenticity and our commitment to harnessing nature’s most powerful resources. Unlike commercially farmed alternatives, […]
How To Unlock Your Indirect Wealth Capacity
Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Wealth capacity is one of the most important factors in our destiny chart that governs our financial success. It refers to the potential amount of wealth we can accumulate in life. There are two types of wealth capacities: direct wealth capacity and indirect wealth capacity. Direct wealth capacity (正财库) is defined […]
The Complete Guide to Imperial Harvest Agarwood
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Harness the power of Imperial Feng Shui with the Imperial Harvest Agarwood collection. Renowned as the leading maison for exceptional agarwood treasures, Imperial Harvest exclusively uses natural, wild agarwood, avoiding commercially farmed alternatives to preserve the most potent Feng Shui properties. Each exquisite piece is meticulously conceptualised and handcrafted to […]
The Complete Guide to Imperial Harvest Sandalwood
Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Experience the timeless prosperity of Imperial Harvest’s Sandalwood collection. Renowned as the leading maison for exceptional sandalwood treasures, Imperial Harvest honours centuries-old Chinese royal traditions by preserving each piece’s authenticity and spiritual significance. Each exquisite piece is meticulously conceptualised and handcrafted to enhance the influence of the Minor Yin (少阴), […]