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Posted by Imperial Harvest on 19 April 2024

How To Combat Missing Sectors with Imperial Feng Shui

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

In modern urban landscapes in Singapore, space constraints often result in homes and offices with unconventional layouts. A common issue arising from such layouts is the presence of “missing sectors” — essentially parts of these spaces that are missing corners. These incomplete spaces are considered inauspicious in Imperial Feng Shui, potentially negatively affecting the occupants.

In this article, we will discuss the implications of missing sectors and how they can be addressed using Imperial Feng Shui techniques.

Defining Missing Sectors

According to Imperial Feng Shui principles, the optimal configuration for a piece of land is square or rectangular. This ideal is encapsulated in the concept, “Four Points of Gold” (四点金), which highlights the benefits of regular, symmetrical land shapes. In ancient China, this preference was evident in the design of palaces and residential structures, which typically featured square layouts. The underlying belief was that a complete, uninterrupted shape in a dwelling enhances the circulation of Qi, or life energy, thereby boosting the wealth and fortune of those inhabiting the space.

Historically, a square or rectangular property was considered “whole” by dynastic Chinese standards — indicating that the space had an optimal flow of Qi energy, which in turn enhances the wealth and luck of its occupants.

Imperial Feng Shui emphasises the significance of both Early Heaven Bagua (先天八卦) and Later Heaven Bagua (后天八卦) as foundational frameworks for comprehending dynamic interactions within the universe and in life, respectively. These principles also provide profound insights into the implications and effects of missing sectors in your house, as explained by Early Heaven Bagua and Later Heaven Bagua in Imperial Feng Shui.

What is Early Heaven Bagua?

The Early Heaven Bagua embodies the fundamental principles governing the universe. Its design draws upon the careful observation of ancient China’s geographical and climatic characteristics.

The Early Heaven Bagua finds application in a range of Chinese metaphysical and divinatory practices, encompassing techniques such as Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection and Plum Blossom Divination.

What is Later Heaven Bagua?

Later Heaven Bagua holds significant importance in Imperial Feng Shui for its focus on directional and spatial elements. It represents the evolution of human experience, the fluidity of energy flow, and the constantly changing dynamics of the environment. Originally designed to provide insights into practical challenges and real-world interactions, resulting in a more pragmatic and applied framework, reflecting life’s dynamic nature and its multifaceted complexities.

The Later Heaven Bagua serves as a comprehensive representation of the world’s interactions, providing a structured framework that reflects its dynamic aspects. In Feng Shui, the Bagua guides the layout of cities, homes, and temples, facilitating the harnessing of auspicious energies. It also offers guiding principles for achieving social harmony and understanding familial roles and responsibilities.

Often, Early Heaven Bagua governs the health aspects of a space’s Feng Shui, whereas Later Heaven Bagua governs its wealth aspects.

Implications of Missing Sectors

The implications of missing sectors within a home or office space can be summarised in the table below, based on the perspective of Early Heaven and Later Heaven Bagua. These implications will vary for individuals and can affect them based on specific aspects, such as their age, gender, number of children, professions, industries of work, and their Life Gua number.

Missing SectorEarly Heaven (Health Risks)Later Heaven (Wealth Risks)Life Gua Number
NorthDui Trigram (兑卦): Pertains to female occupants under the age of 16, and may specifically impact their health.

In general, occupants should be watchful of kidney and reproductive issues associated with this trigram.
Kun Trigram (坤卦): Represents married or unmarried female occupants with children. It can influence the careers and businesses of these occupants.

In general, the career and business prospects of those working in Earth element-aligned industries, such as real estate, insurance, or construction, would be particularly affected.
Qian Trigram (乾卦): pertains to married or unmarried male occupants with children and can specifically impact the health of these occupants.

In general, occupants should be mindful of their spinal health and the health of their ears, nose, and throat (ENT).
Zhen Trigram (震卦): Represents married male occupants without children. It can affect the careers and businesses of married occupants without children.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in industries such as human resources, coaching, sports, education, or journalism would be particularly affected.
EastGen Trigram (艮卦): Represents young male occupants below the age of 16. It can affect the health of young male occupants aged below 16.

In general, occupants should be mindful of their respiratory and gallbladder health.
Li Trigram (离卦): Signifies unmarried female occupants above the age of 16. It can affect the studies, careers and businesses of unmarried female occupants above the age of 16.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in Fire element-related industries, such as headhunting, recruitment, IT, and digital entrepreneurship, would be particularly affected.
SoutheastKun Trigram (坤卦): Denotes married or unmarried female occupants with children. It can affect the health of females with children.

In general, occupants should be mindful of hip issues and liver ailments associated with this trigram.
Dui Trigram (兑卦): pertains to female occupants under the age of 16. It can affect the studies of occupants aged below 16.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in creative industries — like interior designers, artists, project managers and florists would be affected.
SouthZhen Trigram (震卦): Corresponds to married male occupants without children. It can affect the health of married men without kids.

Health issues associated with this Trigram are related to the eyes and heart.
Qian Trigram (乾卦): Signifies married or unmarried male occupants with children. It can affect the careers and businesses of married men with children.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in Metal element-related industries, such as banking, finance, hardware, and precious metals manufacturing, would be particularly affected.
SouthwestKan Trigram (坎卦): Represents unmarried male occupants above the age of 16. It can affect the impact the health of these individuals.

In general, occupants should be mindful of skin and digestion health issues associated with this trigram.
Xun Trigram (巽卦): Pertains to married female occupants without children, and may affect the careers and businesses of married women without children.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in Wood element-related industries, such as education and insurance, would be particularly affected.
WestXun Trigram (巽卦): Denotes married female occupants without children and may affect the health of these individuals.

In general, all occupants should be mindful of their oral and respiratory health associated with this trigram.
Kan Trigram (坎卦): Corresponds to unmarried male occupants above the age of 16. It can affect their careers and businesses.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in Water element-related industries, such as logistics, shipping, and transportation, would be particularly affected.
NorthwestLi Trigram (离卦): Refers to unmarried female occupants above 16 years old and may impact their health.

In general, all occupants should be mindful of neurological and mental health issues associated with this trigram.
Gen Trigram (艮卦): Represents male occupants below the age of 16. It can affect the studies of these individuals.

In general, the career and business prospects of occupants working in the real estate, insurance, and construction industries would be particularly affected.

Case Study: Singapore

In the following case study, we examine the implications of a missing Northwest sector in the floor plan of a Singaporean home.

Based on the table above, a missing Northwest sector in a home may impact the health of unmarried female occupants over 16 years of age. In addition, for the family as a whole, the implications of a house lacking a Northwest sector may also manifest in health concerns regarding the brain and lungs.

A missing Northwest sector also suggests potential academic implications for male occupants under the age of 16. Furthermore, the missing sector may dampen the financial prospects of family members working in the real estate, insurance, or construction industries.

Case Study: America

Next, we examine the implications of a missing Southwest sector in the following floor plan of an American home.

Based on the table mentioned above, the absence of a Southwest sector may impact the health of unmarried male occupants above the age of 16. Health implications for the entire household may include concerns regarding skin and stomach ailments.

A missing Southwest sector also suggests further implications for married female occupants without children. In addition, the missing sector may adversely affect the financial prospects of the household if their income is derived from industries associated with the Wood element, such as education, insurance, real estate, or construction.

These examples illustrate how the absence of one sector within the home can impact the health, wealth and academic pursuits of its occupants. An Imperial Feng Shui master would typically intervene and remedy such issues by restoring the balance of energy attributed to the missing sector.

Combating Missing Sectors with Imperial Feng Shui Solutions

Imperial Harvest Imperial White Inkstone

Imperial White Inkstones, historically revered as pivotal elements in Emperor Qian Long’s study during the Qing dynasty, held significance in matters of state. These treasures, integral to the Emperor’s intuition and wisdom, were instrumental in the Qing dynasty’s success.

In Imperial Feng Shui, these inkstones align with the principle of “一白遮三丑, 一旺挡三煞”, symbolising their ability to enhance the auspicious energies of specific sectors and counter the negative effects of inauspicious or missing sectors.

The Imperial Harvest Imperial White Inkstone stands out as a versatile and potent tool, effectively addressing challenges stemming from missing sectors in homes and offices. In addition, the Imperial White Inkstone activates the authority sector, empowering individuals with opportunities for influence and strategic advancement.

Imperial Harvest Red Phoenix Mountain

In Imperial Feng Shui, the activation of Mountain and Water Stars is crucial for harmonising homes and offices. Key principles within the practice state that mountains symbolise stability and support from benefactors, while water represents prosperity and abundance. Activating these elements creates a conducive environment for success and prosperity.

The Imperial Harvest Red Phoenix Mountain collection embodies both mountain and water features, effectively activating auspicious Mountain and Water Stars within the property. By countering missing sectors and leveraging its auspicious properties, this exquisite Imperial Feng Shui treasure brings forth wealth, amplifies benefactor support, and fosters harmony in relationships and financial success.

The Authentic Imperial Feng Shui Audit Process

The Imperial Harvest Feng Shui audit stands at the forefront of Feng Shui evaluations, distinguishing itself as a meticulous and unique approach that integrates different Feng Shui methods and principles to provide a holistic and well-rounded assessment of your property.

From determining Qi flow with San He External Landform Assessment (三合风水), analysis of the property’s energy map with San Yuan Xuan Kong Flying Star (三元风水) and evaluating its compatibility with Xuan Kong Eight Mansion, Imperial Harvest’s audit services go beyond traditional Feng Shui practices. Our unique combination adheres to the core aspects of Imperial Feng Shui, introducing a level of precision and personalisation rarely found in standard audits.

Our approach is designed to guide homeowners and business owners towards achieving harmony within their spades, facilitating a pathway to greater abundance, prosperity, and success in both personal and professional realms. Master David aims to offer a holistic assessment, addressing both the visible and hidden aspects to optimise the energy and well-being of the living environment.

Learn more about Imperial Harvest’s Audits here

Understanding the implications of missing sectors in your living or working environment is crucial for harnessing auspicious energies and fostering prosperity. Through Imperial Feng Shui principles, the intricate dynamics of Early Heaven and Later Heaven Bagua shed greater light on the profound effects that these missing sectors have on health, wealth, and academic pursuits.

Imperial Harvest’s expert consultants are always on hand to guide you on your journey and provide you with insights to help you realise your fullest potential. Book a complimentary consultation today or contact us at +65 92301640.

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402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #02-07/08
Singapore 238876
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402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #03-24/25
Singapore 238876

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