Posted by Imperial Harvest on 02 July 2020
Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
With the recent appointment of Master David as the principal Feng Shui consultant for many international luxury brands, Imperial Feng Shui — a closely guarded and exclusive art — is gaining prominence among global MNCs and luxury brand owners.
The Qian Long Jadeite Mountain is, perhaps, the single most important Feng Shui artefact in the history of Imperial Feng Shui.
Over the years, this invaluable Imperial Feng Shui artefact has found its way into renowned international auction houses, such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s, commanding astronomical prices at auction.
In this article, Master David reveals the closely-guarded design principles behind the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain, and how Emperor Qian Long’s commitment to developing Imperial Feng Shui led the Qing Dynasty to its golden age — lasting for more than 268 years, making it one of the most successful dynasties in Chinese history.
Emperor Qian Long (乾隆) reigned from 1736 to 1795 and was the fourth ruler of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). Today, he is regarded as one of the most powerful and influential figures of the 18th century.
Besides his military and political talents, Emperor Qian Long is regarded as one of the most cultured non-Chinese rulers in China’s history. He was renowned for his great intellectual prowess and artistic accomplishments, as well as his passion for Imperial Feng Shui.
Among the dedicated advocates of Imperial Feng Shui, Emperor Qian Long stands out the most as a passionate upholder of this ancient art.
Despite his Manchu heritage, Emperor Qian Long demonstrated a keen interest in the art of Imperial Feng Shui through intense engagements in all manifestations of this interest.
From exploring the sources of jadeites via military conquest to supervising its production, Emperor Qian Long encouraged Imperial Feng Shui innovation and initiated new trends. His authority and impact on Imperial Feng Shui are impossible to overlook.
Nature consists of auspicious physical features like mountains and rivers. Less apparent features like mountains, albeit unnoticeable to the untrained eye, dwell among many sites and locations. Only trained Imperial Feng Shui masters with years of experience are able to successfully identify these auspicious features, which makes a prime spot for important buildings.
From this understanding, Imperial Feng Shui is regarded as an essential practice to use to our advantage. Conditions that determine the ideal location for a site have always been a configuration which looks similar to an armchair — a broad open space protected by its sides by low-lying hills.
Mountains govern benefactors, authority and harmony while Water governs wealth.
Constructing a Chinese palace at the perfect Xue 穴 (Spot) — a location flanked by auspicious mountain formations — requires incredible engineering knowledge, and presents intricate construction challenges.
Undaunted by the challenge, Emperor Qian Long and his team of Imperial Feng Shui advisors devised the perfect solution — The Emperor Qian Long Jadeite Mountain, to activate the Mountain Star in the Imperial Palace.
Emperor Qian Long worked with his team of Imperial Feng Shui masters to create a new genre of jadeite ornament known as the ‘Jade Mountain’ (玉山子) when large jadeite boulders from Xinjiang became available after 1759.
From the 1760s to the 1790s, Emperor Qian Long decreed that imperial workshops collaborated with the local workshops in the south to produce a group of majestic jade mountains based on ancient or contemporary paintings.
The most renowned of these artefacts are Travelling in Autumn Mountains (秋山行旅圖), The Great Yu Taming the River (大禹治水圖) and Nine Elders of Huichang (會昌九老圖).
Each jadeite mountain parallels either a classical painting from the imperial collection, or the emperor’s favourite work by a contemporary painter. Emperor Qian Long’s dedication and passion for Imperial Feng Shui can be noted in his resolute interpretation of the jade mountain’s design and conceptualisation.
Due to the irregular shape of the jade boulder, the intricate designs and curvature demand spatial requirements from different sheets of paper or silk. Modifications and adjustments in setting or composition have to be made to accommodate this transition.
Before the workshops could begin production of a jadeite mountain, they produced paper drafts detailing the finished mountain from different perspectives. Interpretations of the finished design from imperial court painters were made in wood, stone and wax, and subsequently presented to Emperor Qian Long for approval. Once his approval was gained, the workshops could provide detailed instructions for their jadeite carvers.
Each jadeite mountain bore lengthy imperial inscriptions and seals, creating an artefact that was a reimagination of traditional paintings, clearly showcasing Emperor Qian Long as the pioneer of these illustrative jadeite treasures.
Unlike other stones, jadeite production requires a laborious grinding process due to the gemstone’s exceptional hardness and toughness.
Emperor Qian Long’s demands for jadeite carvings to resemble paintings, and portray elegant details presented a unique technical challenge — to create the same effect on hard stone as brushwork on paper.
Nonetheless, by Emperor Qian Long’s time, the Qing Dynasty had experienced millennia of historical and technical advances. Equipped with advanced tools, the art of jadeite production saw the use of incisive cuts and multilayered relief to imitate the flowing brushstrokes of a painting.
Many are curious about the Imperial Feng Shui significance behind Emperor Qian Long’s Jadeite Mountains.
The first Qian Long Jadeite Mountain was created by Emperor Qian Long’s team of Imperial Feng Shui masters to overcome the challenges of reorienting and reconstructing important imperial structures near auspicious mountain landforms every 20 years when the Feng Shui period changed.
In the construction of these imperial structures, it is not feasible to site a palace near mountainous regions to tap on the auspicious energy of metal mountain formation. Hence, Emperor Qian Long’s team of Imperial Feng Shui masters devised an intelligent and practical solution — the Qian Long Jadeite Mountain — to bring wealth and prosperity to the empire.
While it is impossible to be surrounded by such auspicious landform features in Singapore’s highly urbanised landscape, Master David’s utmost dedication to his clients is reflected in the launch of Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain.
The Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain is the result of years of intensive research and development to ensure our clients enjoy the same quality of Imperial Feng Shui treasures once owned by Emperor Qian Long.
Conceptualised by Master David, the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain collection is designed to suit the needs and aspirations of our blessed family of clients.
In Imperial Feng Shui, our benefactors provide us with advice and guidance to embark on the path of least resistance to achieve financial and relationship success. These benefactors present themselves at key strategic moments to guide us through our challenges and obstacles while inspiring us with new opportunities that bring us closer to accomplishing our goals. Put simply, enhanced benefactor support brings us many great opportunities to catalyse our wealth and success.
Incorporating emblems of prosperity, the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain optimises the flow of wealth into your household. Its wealth-enhancing properties, further enhanced by Chinese idioms that inspire tremendous wealth make for an exquisite treasure that bestows blessings of monumental breakthroughs upon its destined owner.
Achieving success in business requires innovation and awareness of the golden opportunities that can bring your business ventures to the next level. The Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain provides strategic business and career inspiration, making it the essential Imperial Feng Shui treasure for business owners.
Your expert consultants are on hand to help you find the perfect Imperial Harvest treasure, book a complimentary consultation or contact us at +65 91221826.
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Imperial Harvest
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #02-07/08
Singapore 238876
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Imperial Harvest Prestige
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #03-24/25
Singapore 238876
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