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Posted by Imperial Harvest on 30 August 2024

Imperial Harvest Stories — Alan

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

Alan is a Regional Manager in the IT industry, responsible for overseeing his company’s offices across India, China, and Southeast Asia. Prior to his current role, Alan faced a challenging period where he attended numerous interviews without securing a job.

His efforts to find a senior managerial role were met with repeated setbacks until he joined the Imperial Harvest family six months ago. Since then, Alan has secured a prestigious regional role with abundant benefactor support and turned his career around with remarkable achievements.

Alan’s Story

Before being retrenched, Alan held a managerial role in a multinational corporation, a position fraught with challenges and difficult colleagues. For years, Alan found his career both stagnating and increasingly demanding. Seeking solutions, he turned to Feng Shui and Thai Occult Magic, engaging in daily prayers, chanting, and rituals with numerous amulets and statues at his home altar. Despite his efforts, his situation remained unchanged. The final straw came when Alan was laid off, and despite being willing to accept a pay cut, he remained unemployed for over six months.

Alan was at his wits’ end before he chanced upon Imperial Harvest. After watching interviews with numerous Imperial Harvest clients, he decided to consult Master David for a complimentary Bazi consultation. This decision proved to be the pivotal moment that transformed his career trajectory forever.

A Detailed Bazi Consultation with Master David

When Alan first visited Imperial Harvest, he was warmly welcomed by Erika and Master David, who guided him through his Bazi consultation.

During the consultation, Master David provided a thorough and insightful breakdown of Alan’s Bazi chart. Although Alan was not familiar with the intricacies of the chart, Master David’s clear and accessible explanations helped him understand the key factors influencing his life, the challenges he had faced, and the remedies needed to achieve his desired outcomes.

Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong

To support Alan’s career and business aspirations, Master David prescribed the Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong—a signature creation personally designed by Master David.

This meticulously crafted and patented piece symbolises victory, wealth accumulation, and triumph over challenges. The pendant features Guan Gong holding a Victorious Flag, representing success (“旗开得胜”), and wielding the Green Dragon Sabre to eliminate obstacles. It also includes a Treasure Trove, signifying the gathering and accumulation of wealth (“聚宝” and “聚财, 招财”), making it a powerful and exclusive emblem of success and financial prosperity.

Alan’s Experience with Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong

Within a month of acquiring his Imperial Harvest pendant, Alan received multiple job offers, including new opportunities and offers from previous interviews that had not initially materialised. He ultimately secured a prestigious regional role that opened up new avenues for career advancement.

Upon joining the new firm, Alan noticed a marked improvement in his relationships with colleagues and superiors, including more supportive and understanding bosses. His enhanced visibility at work, coupled with increased opportunities to showcase his skills, allowed him to excel and further solidify his professional standing.

Alan’s Recommendations

Alan advises others not to hesitate when considering Imperial Harvest, emphasising that sometimes opportunities are lost when over-researched or delayed.

“One piece of advice is if you don’t try, you’ll never know. A lot of things we hesitate about, the opportunity will just move past. So grab that time and start the journey soon with Imperial Harvest.”

Alan describes his experience with Imperial Harvest as top-notch, highlighting the prompt and personalised support he receives. Whether it’s a quick call for guidance or advice on small matters, Alan appreciates the responsiveness and care that Imperial Harvest provides, reinforcing his confidence in recommending their services.

“It’s definitely a top-notch experience. It’s not like you need to take a queue number and wait for months to solve your issues. If I have issues and reach out to Erika, she’ll quickly respond and advise me, even though there is no fixed appointment due to the tight schedule.”

Alan has actively recommended Imperial Harvest’s services to his friends and family, sharing how positively it has impacted his life.

“I recommended one of my friends. She is already onboarded as part of the Imperial Harvest family. Things have gone really well for her and I’m very glad she’s moving well in her journey.”

A Lifelong Journey with Superlative Support

The Imperial Harvest journey exemplifies a lifelong partnership with Master David Goh and his expert team, providing clients like Alan with a comprehensive array of Imperial Feng Shui services. These include lifetime complimentary Bazi reviews, home Feng Shui evaluations, Qi Men Dun Jia consultations, and Yi Jing divination, all designed to ensure continuous prosperity and success.

Throughout the various stages of Alan’s business and career journey, Master David and his team of consultants provided valuable support and guidance, helping him achieve his goals with well-informed advice.

Experience the transformative power of the Imperial Feng Shui, where luxury meets spirituality and personal empowerment. Schedule your complimentary Bazi consultation with Imperial Harvest today and uncover how Imperial Feng Shui can elevate your financial, business, and relationship prospects.

Imperial Harvest’s expert consultants are always on hand to guide you on your journey and provide you with insights to help you realise your fullest potential. Book a complimentary consultation today or contact us at +65 92301640.

Book A Bazi Consultation

We are located at

For prospective clients: Imperial Harvest
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #02-07/08
Singapore 238876
For existing clients: Imperial Harvest Prestige
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #03-24/25
Singapore 238876

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