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Posted by Imperial Harvest on 02 August 2024

Imperial Harvest Stories – Kelvin

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Kelvin is a highly successful real estate agent who has achieved two consecutive “Rising Millionaire” titles with ERA Realty since joining the Imperial Harvest family in 2022. As the leader of the Olympians Group, Kelvin oversees a strong team of over 100 people, including several Division Directors and Top Achievers.

Discover how his journey with Imperial Harvest has propelled his real estate career to new heights, even after a health crisis in early 2022 temporarily brought his career to a standstill.

Imperial Harvest client and award-winning real estate agent, Kelvin Neo

Kelvin’s Story

Kelvin was diagnosed with a cervical spine injury in 2022, which brought his real estate career to a complete halt. Guided by his intuition, Kelvin suspected that the root of the issue might lie in the Feng Shui of his home. He began searching for a reputable Feng Shui master to seek enlightenment and address the problem. However, his search was fraught with challenges and rejections. The first master he approached informed him that he had retired to pursue art and calligraphy and no longer provided Feng Shui services. The second master informed Kelvin that his schedule was full.

A fortuitous moment came when Kelvin’s wife stumbled upon Imperial Harvest on Facebook and shared it with him. Feeling down and discouraged, Kelvin was initially skeptical about visiting Imperial Harvest, believing it to be merely a Feng Shui gallery offering only high-quality Imperial Feng Shui jewellery.

Thankfully, Kelvin’s wife was persistent. Eventually, the couple decided to visit Imperial Harvest’s gallery.

Master David interviewing Kelvin Neo

A Detailed Bazi Consultation with Master David

At the time of consultation, Kelvin’s cervical spine injury had compromised his ability to work and affected his morale. His career depended on the outcome of a seven-hour-long surgery. Through Master David’s Bazi review, Kelvin gained an understanding of the various issues within his Bazi chart and identified the root of the problem: the Feng Shui of his home.

After considering the different options, Master David prescribed the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain for Kelvin’s family. This was intended to activate the mountain star, which governs the benefactors and health of the occupants, to rejuvenate Kelvin’s health and revitalise his career.

Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain

Before installing the Qian Long Jadeite Mountain, Master David visited Kelvin’s home to conduct a thorough review of the Feng Shui. Kelvin’s brother-in-law had attended several Feng Shui courses and learned that the placement of certain items, such as zodiac animals, could help boost luck and fortune. While the intention was good, the execution proved to be detrimental. Master David’s prediction about Kelvin’s injury coincided exactly with the month that these zodiac animals were placed in Kelvin’s workspace. Kelvin was stunned by Master David’s accurate predictions and realised the power of Imperial Feng Shui.

After carefully reviewing the landform and flying stars, Master David installed the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain at the Direct Benefactor Sector (正贵人位) to bestow immense health and benefactor luck upon Kelvin and his family members.

Design inspiration of Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain

The Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain collection, masterfully designed and blessed by Master David, harnesses the principles of Imperial Feng Shui to activate the auspicious Mountain Star. This collection is inspired by the legacy of the Qing Dynasty, particularly the cultural and political achievements of Emperor Qian Long, who integrated Feng Shui principles into the imperial palace for prosperity and guidance.

The Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain Collection intricately weaves symbolism into its design elements, embodying the language of prosperity and success:

  1. House Filled with Abundant Treasures (金玉满堂): Embodies immense wealth and virtue, wishing prosperity and acknowledging family accomplishments.
  2. Perennial Prosperity (金钱松树): Symbolised by evergreen pine trees, this feature encourages a mindset of sustained abundance.
  3. Guidance and Mentorship (高人指点): Highlights the transformative power of mentors, urging individuals to seek wisdom for their journey towards prosperity.
  4. Deeply Rooted and Firmly Established (根深蒂固): Emphasises building a strong foundation for long-term success.
  5. Sun at its Zenith (如日中天): Signifies triumph and influence, inspiring confidence and greatness.
  6. Surrounded by Favourable Conditions (水到渠成): Creates an optimal environment for achieving goals
  7. River that Flows Unceasingly (川流不息): Represents the continuous inflow of wealth.

Imperial Harvest Qimen Dunjia Ritual For A Successful Surgery

As a dedicated Imperial Feng Shui master, Master David is committed to the success of his clients. He went the extra mile by proposing a complimentary Qimen Dunjia ritual, the same ritual performed by Zhuge Liang, the renowned military strategist, for the success of the Battle of Red Cliff.

Kelvin’s surgery was scheduled for 5 September 2022. Master David plotted the Qimen Dunjia chart and proposed conducting the prayers on 4 September at 8am to ensure a smooth surgery and a rapid recovery. Having been disappointed by many unprofessional Feng Shui masters in the past, Kelvin was sceptical and doubted that Master David would show up so early for a complimentary ritual. Nevertheless, he agreed to the visit.

On the morning of 4 September, the doorbell rang precisely at 7.59am, and there stood Master David, punctual and prepared with all the necessary items for the prayer. Kelvin and his wife were deeply touched by Master David’s dedication, professionalism, and sincerity.

“I was quite skeptical. He said he would come over at 8am. I told my wife that it couldn’t be, that he would not come at 8am. We were just waiting and I was very negative at that moment. When you are really down, you think that nobody can help you. But the bell rang, and I saw Master David at my doorstep.”

Kelvin’s seven-hour surgery was a resounding success, and his recovery was swift, allowing him to regain his mobility.

Despite having less than three months post-surgery to close out 2022, Kelvin defied all odds and achieved the ERA Rising Millionaire 2022 title. This astounding success silenced those who believed he had no chance of earning the highly coveted title, given the limited time to rebuild his sales pipeline and close deals before 31st December 2022. With the blessings of Master David and the support of the Imperial Harvest Qian Long Jadeite Mountain, Kelvin accomplished what seemed impossible.

Imperial Harvest Crystal —Citrine Dragon

Imperial Harvest Citrine Dragon Crystal

After achieving remarkable success in 2022, Kelvin invited Master David to visit his ERA office for a Feng Shui audit. During the visit, Master David discovered that the building’s entrance was aligned with the Void Line (空亡线), which is inauspicious for business. Concerned about its impact, Master David advised him to find a new location.

Kelvin diligently began searching for a suitable office unit, sending multiple listings to Master David for review. Many of these listings failed to meet Master David’s stringent Feng Shui criteria. Undeterred, Kelvin continued his search, praying daily and manifesting his desire for the ideal office space. Eventually, he found a listing that met Master David’s approval. They arranged a viewing the next day, and Master David personally visited Kelvin’s office to conduct an audit.

After securing the new office space, Master David prescribed the Imperial Harvest Citrine Dragon Crystal to activate the Water Star, a Feng Shui element that governs wealth and opportunities. To ensure optimal results, Master David selected an auspicious date and time and personally installed the crystal in Kelvin’s office, aiming to elevate Kelvin’s career to even greater heights.

Design inspiration of Imperial Harvest Citrine Dragon Crystal

The Imperial Harvest Citrine Dragon is meticulously hand-carved and hand-finished from a single block of internally flawless citrine. The design features a five-clawed, front-facing dragon perched atop a flawless wish-fulfilling orb. Traditionally, the five-clawed dragon was reserved exclusively for the emperor, known as the Son of Heaven, whereas the four-clawed dragon was used by princes and nobles. The Imperial Harvest Citrine Dragon symbolises Kelvin’s meteoric rise in his real estate career, empowering him to achieve extraordinary success.

Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong

Kelvin Neo's Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong

As an ambitious realtor, Kelvin also acquired the Imperial Harvest Fine Jadeite Guan Gong for personal business luck. He attributes his smooth and successful days, including frequent business closings, to his daily prayers to the Jadeite Guan Gong and his suite of Imperial Harvest home treasures, including the Qian Long Jadeite Mountain and Citrine Dragon.

One of the many remarkable outcomes of this practice was a record-breaking deal transacted by Kelvin in 2023. He secured an exclusive landed property listing where the owner set him an almost impossible task: to sell the property for $1 million above its valuation. While most realtors would have advised their clients to lower the selling price to a more realistic figure, Kelvin accepted the challenge. Confident in the power of Imperial Feng Shui, he embarked on four months of intensive marketing.

In the end, Kelvin achieved what seemed impossible: securing a $5.8 million offer, $1 million above the $4.8 million valuation, setting a new record in the estate.

Design inspiration of Imperial Harvest Jadeite Guan Gong

The Fine Jadeite Guan Gong pendant is a meticulously crafted piece that depicts Guan Gong seated, holding a Victorious Flag. This flag symbolises “旗开得胜,” which translates to achieving victories and success. Another significant element of the pendant is the “青龙偃月刀” (Green Dragon Sabre) that Guan Gong wields, designed to help the wearer eliminate obstacles, defeat enemies, and overcome life’s challenges.

In addition, the pendant features a Treasure Trove, symbolising “聚宝” (gathering wealth) and “聚财, 招财” (accumulating wealth). This element is intended to support the wearer in enhancing their financial journey and accumulating wealth. These three essential features—Victorious Flag, Green Dragon Sabre, and Treasure Trove—are integral to the pendant’s design. This unique piece is also patented by Imperial Harvest, ensuring its exclusivity and authenticity.

Kelvin’s Recommendations

Kelvin generously shared that the results he experienced far exceeded his expectations and investments in Imperial Feng Shui. Since joining Imperial Harvest in 2022, his business results have tripled.

“For me, I spent about $100k for these products. Of course, you will feel the pain but I believe that you will see results. You won’t even know that you have spent $100k because your achievements will be triple-fold, or even more. I think everything in life entails an investment.”

Kelvin highlighted Master David’s dedication, professionalism, and willingness to go the extra mile for his clients. Whenever Kelvin’s clients had doubts about their house Feng Shui, Master David would personally conduct house selection for them, entirely free of charge.

“Master David is very thoughtful. I’m in the property line, right? He will personally audit the house for me for free.”

Kelvin deeply appreciates Imperial Harvest’s services and has recommended his friends to the brand as well. He describes his relationship with Imperial Harvest as being akin to a close family and highly encourages others to consult with Master David.

“If you’re still thinking about whether you should visit Imperial Harvest, I think you should.”

“If I didn’t have the chance to meet Master David, I would not be as I am today.”

Master David interviewing Kelvin Neo

A Lifelong Journey with Superlative Support

The Imperial Harvest journey exemplifies a lifelong partnership with Master David Goh and his expert team, providing clients like Kelvin with a comprehensive array of Imperial Feng Shui services. These include lifetime complimentary Bazi reviews, home Feng Shui evaluations, Qi Men Dun Jia consultations, and Yi Jing divination, all designed to ensure continuous prosperity and success.

Kelvin and his wife felt very comfortable with Imperial Harvest. Their positive experience began with Erika, their first point of contact. They thought that Erika’s kindness helped to establish a sense of trust and ease.

“I feel very comfortable. My wife is also very comfortable because Erika was the first point of contact. She’s not pushy, she doesn’t ask you to keep buying and she’s very kind. Master David is also very kind. He didn’t’ ask me to buy, I wanted to buy from Imperial Harvest.”

Throughout the various stages of Kelvin’s personal and career journey, Master David and his team of consultants provided valuable support and guidance, helping him achieve his goals with well-informed advice.

Experience the transformative power of the Imperial Feng Shui, where luxury meets spirituality and personal empowerment. Schedule your complimentary Bazi consultation with Imperial Harvest today and uncover how Imperial Feng Shui can elevate your financial, business, and relationship prospects.


Imperial Harvest’s expert consultants are always on hand to guide you on your journey and provide you with insights to help you realise your fullest potential. Book a complimentary consultation today or contact us at +65 92301640.

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We are located at

For prospective clients: Imperial Harvest
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #02-07/08
Singapore 238876
For existing clients: Imperial Harvest Prestige
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard #03-24/25
Singapore 238876

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